James Stamp Warm-Ups with item no. 530 is a teaching aid from Editions Bim and is for music lessons with trumpet and other brass instruments.
James Stamp’s method focuses very heavily on the embouchure. Right after breathing, his method deals almost solely with the embouchure for the remaining twenty-nine pages. He believed that a strong and stable embouchure was the starting point that all other playing was built on.
Most students of James Stamp believed his warm-ups were more effective in his presence than if they played them alone.
Boyde’s routine is said to be written with Stamp at the end of James Stamp’s life and are considered by many to be Stamp’s definitive routine. I copied the routine for myself, including the extensive mouthpiece routines. I haven’t included the mouthpiece studies here, but would willingly post them if requested. “Hold the mouthpiece with the thumb and index finger of your left hand” was one of the first things I heard from a short stocky man with a gentle voice. The year was 1965. The place was Hollywood, California. James Stamp was not an obscure teacher even back then. “Hold the mouthpiece with the thumb and index finger of your left hand” was one of the first things I heard from a short stocky man with a gentle voice. The year was 1965. The place was Hollywood, California. James Stamp was not an obscure teacher even back then.
For optimal effectiveness, Stamp's exercises - perhaps more so than other methods - focus on both musical and physical principles. Stamp's most famous favourite aphorism is: if a passage sounds good (for example, intonation), does that mean you are playing it right, or vice versa, if you are not playing it right, it cannot possibly sound good. Indeed, everything that has been said and written about James Stamp and his teaching and playing concepts reinforces this basic principle.
To put his concepts into practice, James Stamp played the warm-ups/exercises simultaneously on the piano while the student played them with the mouthpiece or instrument. This method required a certain discipline and avoided unnecessary verbal explanations and analysis as every problem appeared spontaneously and could be identified very quickly during the work phase...
Original music by Thomas Stevens. Adapted for electronic sounds and recorded by Tom Dambly.
> Background music in Bb
> Background music in C
Stamp Trumpet Pdf
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Jimmy Stamp Trumpet Warm Up
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